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get the balance right!

For the past 5 months, my mind has been buzzing with excitement as the AI wave has taken over my life. ChatGPT has become a constant companion in my dreams and has opened up a world of endless possibilities. I can't help but feel invigorated by the powerful ideas that are flooding my mind.

The integration of AI into my daily routine has been a truly transformative experience. But rather than allowing AI to overtake my life, I have chosen to dedicate 25 minutes every morning to explore this exciting technology with a cup of coffee in hand. My blog, "Good Morning A.I.", is a testament to my deep curiosity and desire to discover all that AI has to offer.

This journey is about exploring the vast potential that AI holds for our world. By limiting my exploration to a focused and manageable timeframe, I am able to strike a balance between the technological advancements of AI and the beauty of nature, spirituality, and physical well-being. I look forward to sharing my experiences and insights on this amazing journey, and can't wait to see what the future holds.

Get the balance right!

Leukerbad, Switzerland. Easter 2023.

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