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Showing posts from June, 2024

An album in 5 days - my first experience with AI assisted songwriting

Everything started with a first look at the Suno AI music generation platform last Monday. Since then, my creative journey has taken a big step forward. The leap from a mere song idea to a published MP3 has never been this swift. Suno AI has revolutionized my music production process, turning inspiration into a tangible track almost instantly, making the dream of seamless creativity a reality. Be it in English, German, or French, rock, pop, metal, or piano, Suno generates infinite song variations. This is simply unbelievable. I always dreamed of listening to my own music. But as a non-musician, well, I mean, with instruments and the like, this was inaccessible to me so far. Suno has bridged that gap, enabling me to create and enjoy music in ways I never thought possible. All those rimed text fragments that waited somewhere in my head now instantly flow into songs. Written on a piece of paper during breakfast, at a concert, during dinner, or over coffee, I keep them all, edit them, form