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An album in 5 days - my first experience with AI assisted songwriting

Everything started with a first look at the Suno AI music generation platform last Monday. Since then, my creative journey has taken a big step forward. The leap from a mere song idea to a published MP3 has never been this swift. Suno AI has revolutionized my music production process, turning inspiration into a tangible track almost instantly, making the dream of seamless creativity a reality. Be it in English, German, or French, rock, pop, metal, or piano, Suno generates infinite song variations. This is simply unbelievable. I always dreamed of listening to my own music. But as a non-musician, well, I mean, with instruments and the like, this was inaccessible to me so far. Suno has bridged that gap, enabling me to create and enjoy music in ways I never thought possible. All those rimed text fragments that waited somewhere in my head now instantly flow into songs. Written on a piece of paper during breakfast, at a concert, during dinner, or over coffee, I keep them all, edit them, form
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Dear spreadsheet...

... please explain yourself, make a graph from the data, interprete it and summarize everything in a short blog post. Generated with Midjourney. When I explained to my colleagues a few weeks ago that this scenario would very soon become reality, they said, "Dream on..." Now, it's here, dear colleagues! Yes, with ChatGPT 4o, it is reality. In the experiment at the end of this post , I just experienced how this tool can analyze complex data sets and produce insightful visualizations. It effortlessly transformed raw data on tourism's economic impact and employment into clear, understandable trends. Using ChatGPT 4o, I generated a comprehensive analysis that highlights key trends and insights, demonstrating the tool's capability to turn data into actionable knowledge. The process was based on one single prompt, seamless, making complex data analysis accessible and understandable. This is not just a dream—it's a reality that enhances our ability to make informed