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ChatGPT o1 “thinks” and explains how it does

My first encounter with ChatGPT 01-preview this morning has been another glimpse into AI-assisted learning and professional development.  ChatGPT 01-preview is currently available through OpenAI's subscription-based service.  Its ability to 'think' and explain surprised me. While there are limitations to consider, the benefits it brings to personalized learning and critical thinking are evident. Embracing this technology could be another significant step forward in how we teach, learn, and analyze information.  I started by asking ChatGPT to summarize the first book I saw this morning on my shelve when waking up:  The Ad-Free Brand by Chris Grams  - see the experiment below. The AI explained how companies can build authentic brands without relying on traditional advertising. By focusing on community engagement, user-generated content, and authenticity, businesses can foster organic growth.  Next, I extended the book’s ideas by applying the ad-free concept to tourism, crea
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Dear spreadsheet...

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